Report Layout and Design: Tamarack Institute 2020 Impact Report


Vibrant Communities is an initiative that “supports cities and local leaders to develop and implement large-scale change.” The 2020 Impact Report was produced to inform members and funders of the progress that the “Cities Reducing Poverty” network had made in that year.

The Challenge:

The client had drafted a document that was text- and information-heavy, and wanted to ensure that readers would stay engaged with the material. Sheena created an eye-catching cover design that communicates poverty reduction in cities, then formatted the report with a clean and legible layout, optimized for home or office printing on standard letter-sized paper.

Sample page from the Report
Text is broken into digestible sections through hierarchical layout, text boxes, and integrated images.
Charts were recoloured for clarity and interspersed throughout the text.
The digital version of the Report includes hyperlinked references and resources.